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Nerve conduction studies during various phases of menstrual cycle

Surbhi Vashisht, Anuj Chawla, Rajneesh Kumar Joshi.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Menstrual cycle is associated with hormonal fluctuations during various phases. Changes in estrogen levels are associated with swings in mood and cognitive functions. Against this background, this study was undertaken to observe differences in various parameters of nerve conduction during various phases of menstrual cycle.

Aims and Objectives: Observe changes in sensory and motor nerve conduction during various phases of menstrual cycle.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 35 healthy female volunteers aged 18-35 years. Nerve conduction studies consisting of sensory and motor conduction velocity, distal latencies, compound muscle action potential amplitude, sensory nerve action potential amplitude, and the F wave latencies were carried out on ulnar, common peroneal, and the sural nerve during four phases of the menstrual cycle. Statistical analysis of the results was done using analysis of variance.

Results: Nerve conduction parameters did not vary significantly with various phases of the menstrual cycle.

Conclusions: Although synaptic conduction and release of neurotransmitters is modulated by estrogen and progesterone but these appear to have no significant role on the normal axonal conduction. Hence, no significant changes were observed in peripheral nerve conduction across various phases of the menstrual cycle.

Key words: Menstrual Cycle; Nerve Conduction; Changes; Variations

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