The urge to live, the fear of death, the desire of youth, the distaste for old age and the quest for Rejuvenation have always attracted mankind from antiquity to modern times. Ageing is a deleterious, progressive, universal and thus far irreversible process. The cause of morbidity and mortality world over is shifting from communicable diseases a few decades ago to non communicable diseases. A Poly herbal compound Brahma RasÁyana -1 was selected for its anabolic potential as a trial drug. It is constituted of drugs like Àmalaki, Jeevaniya panchmula, BalÁ, Shatavari, Madhuyashti, Gokshura etc. These all drugs have proven anabolic effects.. 23 patients were selected for the trial who were free from major systemic and metabolic ailments. Only 20 patients completed the trial. Brahma RasÁyana -1 was given in the dose of 10gm twice daily with milk for 45 days and follow up done every 15 days. Evaluation was done by means of objective criteria like Body weight, Foot thrust , Muscle strength, grip power, Temperature and laboratory investigations like Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR, FBS, Blood Urea, Serum creatinine etc. Selected subjective criteria were Visual Analogue Scale of well being, Appetite, Sleep, Physical and mental drive, Exertional capacity and Bowel habits. Results were significant in most of the objective and subjective criteria. Results are therefore suggestive of evaluating Brahama RasÁyana-1 further for restorative effects particularly in geriatric age group.
Key words: Jara, Rasayana, Brahama Rasayana, Visual Analogue Scale.