Chest trauma is a common cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in the young patients. Road traffic crushes (RTCs) are the commonest cause of blunt chest injuries. Chest trauma may be due to penetrating trauma produced by knife or gunshot and its incidence increases with use of firearms Successful management of thoracic trauma depends on effective resuscitation by the ABCDE approaches with rapid detection and treatment of life-threatening complications outcome and prognosis for the great majority of patients with chest trauma are excellent. to improve management process and outcome of chest trauma patients. This study is a cross-sectional study included 200traumatic patients admitted in Suez Canal University Hospital. Firstly Start primary survey by check Airway, secure cervical spine by neck collar, Breathing and circulation (A B C) and treat the life threading conditions if present. Blunt thoracic trauma was found in 144 patients, while penetrating injuries in only 56 patients. Patients suffered blunt trauma,(87.5%) were males and (12.5%) females, no mortalities were recorded in penetrating trauma patients since all patients were discharged after treatment and improvement. Rib fractures were the commonest injuries in blunt chest trauma, haemothorax is the commonest injury in penetrating chest trauma, tube thoracostomy is the most common surgical interference done.
Key words: Patterns, chest trauma, management