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Review Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2019; 9(3): 126-136

Phytochemical and Pharmacological activities of Solanum surattense Burm. f. A review

Siva Kumar Tekuri, Sivarama Krishna Pasupuleti, Kranthi Kumar Konidala, Shobha Rani Amuru, Purusotham Bassaiahgari, Neeraja Pabbaraju.

Cited by 41 Articles

Medicinal plants are unique in having the ability to produce diverse chemical compounds with remarkable biological activities. Investigations of medicinal plants resulted in the discovery of a large number of bioactive compounds with excellent therapeutic properties. Solanum surattense, a perennial wild growing medicinal herb, widely used in traditional medicine. Exhaustive literature availability reveals the presence of phytochemical compounds from different plant parts like roots, stem, leaves, fruits and seeds and also reported to possess a wide range of pharmacological activities, like, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, antiasthmatic and mosquito repellents properties. Intensive investigation on phytochemical constituents resulted in isolation of alkaloid and steroidal compounds Solasonoine, solamargine, Campesterol & diosgenin. Evaluation of therapeutic activity of isolated compounds proved as potent ones with reference to standard. Current literature on pharmacological activity of S. surattense confirms the scientific validation of folklore claims and its traditional use to cure various ailments. Present review is undertaken to summarize all the available information on pharmacological activities, which provide a baseline support for further exploration of its unexplored therapeutic effects like immunomodulation, antipiles activity, antianaphylactic activity and sexual behavior claimed by folklore.

Key words: Solanum surattense; traditional medicine; pharmacological activity; Solasodine; Diosgenin

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