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AAM. 2016; 5(1-2): 4-6

Regulation of Ayurvedic Education and Practice: Unresolved Issues

Prof Ram Harsh Singh.


Ayurveda is the oldest system of life science and health care in the world, its antiquity going back to the ancient Vedas. Originating from India Ayurveda seems to have reached its zenith in the period of its classics. Ayurveda is claimed to be the world view of its time in the field of life science and health care. With the fast emergence of new European medicine patronized by the British about two centuries ago Ayurveda stopped growing losing its ground and shrank to Indian subcontinent but survived in India and remained in unbroken clinical practice since antiquity till date but suffered great suppression. However, Ayurveda was preserved and practiced by popular Vaidyas largely unofficially without any state support. Thus Ayurvedic education and practice remained alive without any provision of state regulation.

Key words: Education, Ayurveda, Regulation, Practice

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