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Med Arch. 2016; 70(5): 342-347

Expression IRF/MUM1>25% Predictor to Three-year Survival of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma in the Immunochemotherapy Era

Alma Sofo-Hafizovic, Adisa Chikha, Refet Gojak, and Emina Suljovic Hadzimesic.


Introduction: Non Hodgkin lymphoma-Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBC) is composed of more varieties of one disease. Analysis and understanding of a wide range of characteristics of the disease, which include: clinical, immunohistochemical, cytogenetic and molecular characteristics may improve treatment results. Aim: achieving the estimated three-year survival and influence of IRF/MUM1 expression to three-year survival. Material and methods: A study was retrospective–prospective, patients were followed for seven years a period of dine. The study included 60 patients de novo DLBCL. Age was 18-72 years old, the average age 45 years, male 31 (51,7%) and female 29 (48.3%). Median follow-up was 47 months (3-91 months). To determine differentiation immunophenotype antibodies those were used: anti-CD20, anti-CD10, anti-Bcl-6, IRF-4/MUM1, CD 138. Results: Included the GCB type was 65%. Impact prognostic index IPI>2 GBC vs non GBC p=0,038 X2. Statistically significant difference was confirmed compared to the IPI> 2 to 3 year OS p

Key words: DLBCL, MUM1 expression, three-year survival.

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