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Review Article

Infertility – a Great Challenge of the Past, Present, and Future

Ivana Erceg Ivkosic, Jana Mesic, Rajko Fures, Zlatko Hrgovic, Luka Bulic, Eva Brenner, Vesna Cosic, Blazenka Miskic, Dinko Kolaric.


Background: The Infertility refers to the inability of couples to conceive after 12 months of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. The incidence of infertility is increasing and is estimated to be 8-12%, or even up to 20%. Primarily, it involves organic causes, but the psychological aspect is not excluded. Objective: The aim of this article was to discrabe the observing of various causes of infertility, Methods: Authors used, as sources, published relevant facts in the articles deposited in important scientific indexed databases Medline, Scopus, PubMed Central, Hinari, etc. to write this review. Results and Discussion: The diagnosis of female infertility involves a detailed medical history, laboratory tests, hormonal evaluation, and imaging studies such as ultrasound and eventually hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Advances in genetic testing have deepened our understanding of infertility origins in both genders. Sperm analysis is pivotal for diagnosing male infertility. Infertility treatment includes identifying causes and applying various therapies, including conservative surgical, and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Conclusion: The currently used ART methods include ovulation tracking with planned intercourse, insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Key words: assisted reproductive technology, genetic testing, infertility.

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