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Silan/biopolymer microgels for functionalization of cotton fabric: dual responsive pH and temperature and antibacterial properties

Amina L. Mohamed.


Biopolymer/chitosan/silan composite was sensitized in four form by conjugating of chitosan with different biopoly-mer compounds namely, β-Cyclodextrin (β-CD), Arabic gum, Guar gum and Pullulan in presence of 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilan (GPTMS) as a cross-linker. Characterisation of the prepared composites have been done through some measurements. FT-IR confirmed the chemical reactions and between biopolymers, chitosan and GPTMS. TEM and particle size confirm that, the particles are in small size ranged from 20 - 200 µm and have porous structure. Tex-tural properties of the prepared composites were studied and provide that, the microgel with pullulan have the best texture properties than other gels, and gel with guar gum have a worst texture properties. The effect of temperature on average diam-eter of prepared microgels were studied at different pH. The flow properties of the chitosan based microgels at different con-centration and different temperature were also determined. Treated fabrics with chitosan-based microgels were characterized for their morphological structure, antibacterial properties, water uptake for untreated and treated fabrics at different pH and temperature and it is confirmed that, the prepared composites impart a hydrophobicity property to the cotton fabrics.

Key words: biopolymers, chitosan, antibacterial, dual responsive (pH and temperature), hydrophobicity and cotton fabric

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