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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2007; 6(5): 331-335

Determination of Breastfeeding Behaviors of Mothers and Influencing Factors

Aygül,,Akyüz, Tülay,Kaya*, Nur,Şenel.


This study is a descriptive research which was planned to determine the factors related to beginning and maintaining the breastfeeding of the mothers. This research was conducted with the mothers who applied to the The Healthy Child Department in Pediatrics Clinic at Gulhane Medical Millitary Academy (GMMA). The women who applied to this department constituted the population of the study (N=750), and the women who volunteered to join the study between April and June constituted the sampling (n=120). In the result of this study, the most of the women planned to feed their babies with breast milk, and for their choice of preferring the breast milk, they thought that breast milk is the best nutrient for their babies, and keeping their babies from the illnesses. It was found that the half of the mothers who had vaginal birth fed their babies with the breast milk in an early one hour. Seventy-nine point two percentages of the mothers pointed out giving no meals before feeding with breast milk, and the others generally fed their babies with infant food and liquid with sugar. In this study, it was determined that breastfeeding is still common among the mothers, and most of the babies are fed with the breast milk for several times. However the babies are fed with the milk for a long time, the mothers still need education and training programme about the subjects like initial breastfeeding time, giving the liquid and infant food, only not giving the breast milk and start to feed with infant food early or later.

Key words: Breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding behavior

Article Language: Turkish English

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