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Review Article

Acta Inform Med. 2010; 18(3): 157-162

Algorithms in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (sle)

Aida Mehmedbasic.


Health information system, like most other information systems, is oriented to the management and decision making. Some authors in the definitions of author systems start listing their characteristics, such as those about autonomy, such as: “the people, equipment, procedures, goals, communication media, dynamics, database, input, output, limit and control”. Information systems can be perceived as a tool in making decisions and implementing policies, so that when it comes to health information system, we can say that it is very important in achieving health policy. The health information system is a set of “people, material resources and processes that are producing and communicating information for the health care system.” This is a case of “mixed and lively–objects system” in which people make the primary active ingredient, which means that the systems without people are not health care information systems, in terms of the above definitions. Complex systems can not only determine the individual characteristics of its constituent parts, but also the character of their mutual relationship and influence, because the system is not the same as the set of elements. Elements of the system are concrete, the components of a system and its components. The sum of all activities of the system, ensure its functioning and it is reflected in changing the very elements of the system. Accordingly, there is no function- ing of a system without its movement. A special segment of the healthcare informa- tion systems are decisions making systems in certain segments of health and health care.In this article we have addressed the diagnostic algorithms used in diagnosing a complex disease such as systemic lupus erythematous. They simplify our work and through a series of logical steps lead to the final goal, with less “wandering” in search for diagnosis. This allows us to not lose valuable time to focus on early initiation of treatment of such patients. In today’s era of powerful immunosuppressive drugs is difficult to make the right decision when and how to start treatment, and with which immunosuppressive drugs. In such a di- lemma very useful is setting the therapeutic algorithms that are accepted throughout the world and lead us in everyday work.

Key words: information systems, decision making, diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms.

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