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Review Article

The First Original Medical Professional Printed Book in Southeast Europe

Rajko Fures, Zlatko Hrgovic, Vesna Cosic, Martin Gredicak, Sanja Malinac Malojcic, Mladen Krajcar, Bojana Kranjcec.


Background: The author of the first Croatian medical book, also the first in Southeast Europe, was Dr.John the Baptist Lalangue. He is the one who is most responsible for the fact that in the second half of the 18th century. Objective: The aim of thiis article was to describe important facts abot the first original medical professional printed books in the Croatian language. Methods: The authors searched imprtant information abot the book of the author Lalangue’s titled “Medicina ruralis iliti Vrachtva ladanyszka, za potrebochu musev, y sziromakov. Horvatczkoga orszaga y okolu nyega, blisnesseh meszt” deposited in libraries in Zagreb and Varazdin, and also published articles deposited in scientific databases PubMed, PubMed Central, EBSCO., etc. Results and Discussion: The original medical first printed in the area of ​​Southeast Europe by John the Baptist Lalangue is a book that deserves admiration. It is also the first printed original medical book in the Croatian language. The book “Medicina ruralis iliti Vrachtva ladanyszka, za potrebochu musev, y sziromakov. Horvatczkoga orszaga y okolu nyega, blisnesseh meszt” was published by Lalangue in Varaždin in 1776 at the Trattner printing house. After that, doctor Lalangue published a series of capital works of Croatian medicine, as well as medicine of Southeast Europe. Conclusion: Doctor Lalangue is the author of a Croatian midwifery textbook and a balneological first, which are also firsts in the area of ​​Southeast Europe. In this way, we remember the greats of medical thought and express the desire to respect him in accordance with his magnificent achievements.

Key words: John the Baptist Lalangue, Medicina ruralis, history of medicine..

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