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J App Pharm Sci. 2016; 6(12): 206-208

Sensitivity or resistance to steroid therapy in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is not associated with polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)

Parisadat Ahmadi, Rozita Hoseini, Parvaneh Rahimi-moghaddam, Seyyed Amir Yasin Ahmadi.


It's about years that the relation between renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAS) and involving enzymes such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) with nephrotic syndrome is under the focus of researchers and also there are a lot of meta-analyses. However there were a little studies investigated the relation of ACE polymorphism and sensitivity or resistance to steroid therapy in children. Se we intend to do that. In the current study the sample size was 40 children. Among them, 22 patients were sensitive and 18 patients were resistant to steroid therapy. The samples were collected from Ali-Asghar pediatric hospital in Tehran, Iran. We used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the genotyping. After that, we used Chi-squared test for statistical analysis. The statistical analysis showed no significant correlation between ACE polymorphism and sensitivity or resistance to steroid therapy (P = 0.77). Although the frequency of DD genotype were higher in the resistant group, but this difference was not statistically significant. Finally we found that although based on previous studies, D allele and DD genotype are more frequent in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in comparison to healthy children, but the resistance or sensitivity to steroid therapy in children is not associated with ACE polymorphism. Further meta-analysis on the studies done on children is suggested.

Key words: nephrotic syndrome, angiotensin converting enzyme, steroid therapy

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