Introduction: Ayurveda advocates different herbal, minerals, metallic and herbo-mineral compounds in therapeutics. Safety concerns are being raised day by day on traditional formulations at different levels. Providing justification regarding their safety, quality, developed SOPs, Proper characterization technique required in the need of modern era. Rasa Parpati (RP) is one among the mercurial preparations frequently being used in Ayurveda for different ailments. Physico-Chemical fingerprinting profile of Rasa Parpati is not available till date. Materials and methods: Considering this Rasa Parpati was prepared with Hingulottha Parada, Shodhita Gandhaka (HRP) and Ashodhita Parada, Ashodhita Gandhaka (ARP) were analyzed through advanced analytical techniques like X-Ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Inductive Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy and Particle Size Distribution. Results and conclusion: Results showed that both samples of Rasa Parpati are organo-metalic compounds with presence of organic matter as coating material on the surface of inorganic matter, combination of mercury and sulphur as major elements and magnesium, iron as trace elements. Mercuric sulphide (HgS) is present in cubic and hexagonal form, while free Sulphur is present in ortho-rhombic form in crystal lattice of both samples. Different analytical tests reveal insignificant differences in the profiles of both samples of Rasa Parpati.
Key words: Gandhaka, Mercury, Rasa Parpati, Shodhana