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Post operative complications of ostomy- A study of 100 cases

Meena Kumar, Jayant Pednekar, Dipesh Goyal, Nida Khan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Stoma creation is not a trivial undertaking. A good stoma can be life saving, but a stoma associated with complications can have a profound impact on the patient’s physical, psychological and social well being. Stomas are created for various indications, such as bowel obstruction, bowel perforation, treatment of anastomotic leak, diverticular disease, rectal injury, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, motility disorders, to name a few. We studied 100 patients with stomas over a period of 4 years to determine the early and late complications associated with them and establish an association with certain patient, pathology and surgical factors that bore an emphasis on the outcome.

Key words: Colostomy, Ileostomy, Stomal retraction, Skin excoriation, Stomal prolapse, Parastomal Herniation

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