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Original Article

Med Arch. 2020; 74(5): 368-373

Contributing Factors to the Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis

Aida Sehanovic, Suljo Kunic, Omer C. Ibrahimagic, Dzevdet Smajlovic, Emir Tupkovic, Admir Mehicevic, Emina Zoletic.


Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, (auto) immune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Quality of life (QoL) refers to the perception of an individual’s life in the context of the system of culture and values in which they live. Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the distribution of cognitive disorders in people with MS. Methods: The prospective study included 135 participants with MS and 50 healthy participants. Participants were divided into three groups: the first group consisted of 85 participants where the disease lasted longer than one year, the second group consisted of 50 participants with newly diagnosed MS, the third group consisted of 50 healthy participants. The instruments of clinical assessment were: Extended Disability Score in Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Mini Mental Status, Beck Depression Scale, and Quality of Life Scale (SF-36, Contemporary Health Survey). Results: The quality of life related to health is impaired in the physical, mental dimension and overall quality of life. In the first group of participants, 62% had mild depression, and in the second group 38% of participants, while more severe forms were recorded in 16% of participants in both groups. As depression increases, the quality of life decreases in all measured dimensions, which would mean that depression negatively affects the quality of life. The results of all dimensions as well as the overall quality of life score are worse with the increase in the degree of clinical disability, for both groups of study patients. Conclusion: Quality of life is impaired in MS patients, and a higher degree of clinical disability and an increase in depressive disorder are predictors of deteriorating quality of life in MS patients.

Key words: Multiple sclerosis, quality of life, Depression.

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