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Original Article

JJCIT. 2017; 3(1): 1-24

A Weighted Score Matching Algorithm for a Multimodal Biometric System Based on Fingerprint and Hand Geometry.

Ezdihar N. Bifari, Lamiaa A. Elrefaei.


This paper presents a multimodal biometric system implemented using MATLAB language. The system was fused between fingerprint and hand geometry at matching score level by applying a proposed modified weighted sum rule. The fingerprint system was tested using five FVC databases and the hand geometry system was tested using COEP database. Hence, the multimodal system was tested by merging each FVC database with COEP database. The experimental results show significant improvement in the multimodal system with average EER of 3.27%; while it is 8.86% and 8.89% for fingerprint and hand geometry systems, respectively.

Key words: Multi-biometrics, Fusion, EER, ROC, Minutiae, Gabor filter, FFT filter, Morphological, Chain code.

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