Patients with eye problems are often present in family medicine and emergency wards, whether it is isolated disturbances of vision, or as part of other diseases. A large number of pathological entities of the eye require prompt and accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy before they get to specialized ophthalmological institutions. Ultrasonography of the eye is a simple, non-invasive, painless method that can be done at the first contact with patients and can provide very important information for accurate diagnosis of pathological changes. Early detection of retinal ablation, intra ocular bleeding and tumors by this method can save sight and lives of patients. Sonography of the eye in 667 patients over two years revealed 27 retinal ablation and hemophthalmos in 36 patients. Every fifth patient with retinal ablation was referred by a doctor of family medicine. Knowing the possibilities of ultrasonography in ophthalmology, teamwork at the level of primary health care can open access to ultrasonography of the eye for other specialty physicians which can improve population health and provide a new quality in the prevention of vision loss.
Key words: retinal ablation, ultrasound, emergency medicine, family medicine