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Case Report

Med Arch. 2024; 78(4): 317-321

The use of Tranexamic Acid in Case of Patient with Intracerebral Hemorrhage After a Coronary Procedure–Case Report

Amra Salkic, Amel Amidzic, Stoja Eric, Nermina Gorana-Polimac, Naida Tiro, Merita Tiric-Campara.


Background: Tranexamic acid can prevent death from bleeding after trauma and postpartum hemorrhage. Objective: The aim of the paper was to assess whether tranexamic acid reduces hematoma expansion and improves outcome in adults with stroke caused by intracerebral hemorrhage. Case presentation: Administration of Tranexamic acid in a patient after a diagnosis of intracerebral hematoma, which occurred after coronary stent implantation. Intracerebral hematoma, or neurological deficit, occurs one day after cardiac surgery in the patient. The case report will present the radiological resolution of the intracerebral hematoma, as well as the improvement of the clinical picture, neurological deficit, in the patient during a one-month follow-up, after the administration of Tranexamic acid. Conclusion: Tranexemic acid is affordable, easy to administer, appears to be safe, and is widely available, so even a modest treatment effect can have an important global impact, and it is necessary to consider its more frequent use, as well as to initiate larger randomized trials.

Key words: Tranexemic acid, intracerebral hematoma, treatment.

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