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Clinical profile of patient with dengue fever in a tertiary care teaching hospital

Varsha Shah, Uresh Jain.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Dengue fever is still evolving with involvement of newer areas, newer populations and is increasing in magnitude, epidemic after epidemic. Dengue viral infection still remains challenge for the treating physician.

Objective: To study the clinical profile of patient with dengue fever in a tertiary care teaching hospital.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective, observational, single centre study was carried out on patients of dengue fever attended to medicine ward of the period of 4 months (August–November 2015). The data of all the patients who came for the treatment of dengue fever to the hospital in year 2015 was included for the analysis.

Result: Total 151 patients diagnosed as dengue fever based on detection of dengue non-structural protein 1 (NS1), anti-dengue IgM in the blood samples. Majority of the patients were males (99, 65.56%). Maximum patients were in 18–30 years’ age group (70.86%). All the patient of dengue fever had fever as one of the presenting symptoms. Headache was also found as presenting symptom in majority of patients (94.70%). It was found that thrombocytopenia (platelet count

Key words: Dengue fever, clinical profile, epidemiological surveillance

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