The silk produced by Bombyx mori, mulberry silk, is of very high economic importance. Many hybrid strains of Bombyx mori were developed to improve silk production and to withstand different environmental conditions. Polyamines are low molecular weight polycations present in all living cells. These are very crucial for the growth and survival of organisms. Previous results from our lab showed positive effect of spermidine treatment on CSR2 × CSR4 hybrid strain. The present study was taken up to know the effect of spermidine and spermine on different parental and hybrid strains of silkworm. Treatment of these molecules increased body weight, gland weight and cocoon weights. Results showed that both spermidine and spermine enhanced silk production. Our study shows a method for enhancement of silk production by parental strains.
Key words: Silkworm, Spermidine, Spermine, Bombyx mori