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Effects of boiling on the functional, thermal and compositional properties of the Mexican jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seed

José Manuel Juárez-Barrientos, Betsabé Hernández-Santos, Erasmo Herman-Lara, Cecilia Eugenia Martínez-Sánchez, Juan Gabriel Torruco-Uco, Emmanuel de Jesus Ramírez-Rivera, José Manuel Pineda-Pineda, Jesús Rodríguez-Miranda.


This study evaluated the effects of boiling on the functional, thermal properties and chemical composition of Mexican jackfruit seed meals. The raw and boiled samples did not show differences (P > 0.05) in their protein (13.52 g/100 g) and raw fiber (3.81 g/100 g) contents. The boiled sample showed increased (P < 0.05) L* (76.68), water absorption capacity (3.34 g/g), and water solubility capacity (14.65%) and reduced a* (3.23), b* (17.15), C* (17.45), hº (79.34), pH (6.32), and bulk density (0.59 g/cm3), as well as the lowest gelation concentration (8% w/v); additionally, it did not show foaming capacity. The raw sample showed two endothermic transitions: the gelatinization of starch (71.82 at 87.57 ºC) and the disruption of the amylose-lipid complex (113.60 at 120.56 ºC), whereas the boiled sample only exhibited one transition: the breakdown of the amylose-lipid complex (113.62 at 119.25 ºC). Jackfruit meal can be used as the main ingredient in formulations or composite meals when developing new products.

Key words: Artocarpus heterophyllus; breadfruit; meal; water absorption capacity

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