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Original Article

AJVS. 2017; 53(1): 138-142

Physiological Composition of Egyptian Camel Milk (Camels Dromedaries) With Special Reference to Its Essential Trace Elements Concentration

Abd Elhaseeb H. Fayed, Sobhy A. Hedaya, Abd Elsalam F. El-Sawi, Mohamed Libda, Norhan E.A.K..


Camel’s milk is an excellent source of well balanced nutrients and also exhibits a range of biological activities that improve digestion, metabolic responses, growth and development of specific organs and resistance to diseases. The biological activities are mainly due to the presence of peptides, polyunsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid. Camel milk has also high levels of vitamin C, selenium, zinc and lactoferrine. The objective of the present study was to determine the major constituents ( protein , fat, lactose and solid not fat (SNF)) of camel’s milk and their correlation to each others. Also, the of essential trace elements concentration were determined. Twenty milk samples were collected from healthy lactating she camels from Marsa Matrouh Governorate. Milk samples were subjected to analysis of fat, protein, lactose, SNF, and ash by milk scan apparatus. Milk samples were digested by concentrated acids and analyzed for zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), Selenium (Se), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni) by flam emission atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results showed that the fat, protein, lactose, SNF, and minerals concentrations were 3.72±0.48, 3.54±0.43, 5.11±0.60, 9.41±0.27, and 0.12±0.01, respectively. There was significant correlation between milk fat and protein (r= 0.77 and between milk protein and lactose (r=0.83) and between milk fat and lactose (r=0.64). Camel milk was rich in Se (2.449±0.262 ppm) and Fe (1.252±0.059 ppm) . It was concluded that there was a significant correlation between the different constituents of camel’s milk and contains considerable amount of selenium and iron.

Key words: camel milk, composition, trace elements

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