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Case Report

Neglect in Grooming Establishment – Dog’s death: Case Report

Tália Missen Tremori, Bárbara Wagner Duarte Ferraz De Camargo, Gabriela Abreu Botelho, Renata dos Santos Belluci, Noeme Sousa Rocha.

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This report concerns a brachycephalic, French bulldog that died from vasogenic shock, which can be fatal when associated with predisposing factors such as the breed, stress, thermal interference and obesity. The necroscopic exam was provided and the gross and microscopic findings indicated an intense pulmonary edema and diffused hyperemia, constitute a vasogenic shock. Cases of negligence in grooming establishments are coming to light more frequently. Veterinarians are responsible for monitoring and supervising activities with animals in these establishments, so that fatal cases can be avoided. In addition, the case refers to an inappropriate situation, with legal repercussions, due to the concealment of a corpse by the grooming establishment and the subsequent study of the facts through a forensic examination of the animal, which was sent to the Pathology service.

Key words: Brachycephalic; necropsy; veterinary expertise; veterinary physician.

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