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Med Arch. 2010; 64(1): 7-10

How the Application of Human Immunoglobulinin the Treatment of Myasthenia Crisis Changed the Outcome of the Disease



Introduction: Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease characterized by weakness and fluctuating pathological tiredness of cross-striped muscle with improvement after rest. Goal: To compare the outcomes of treatment in myasthenic crisis therapy and conventional therapy with high doses of human immunoglobulin. Epidemiological research, mainly retrospective, partly prospective, descriptive-analytical and clinicalapplication nature, was carried out on Neurology Clinic Clinical Center University of Sarajevo in the period from January 1st 2002 to December 31st 2008. Results: Total of 25 patients were examined, with more women (2.5: 1 ), with women average age 40 years (SD = 15.2) and men average age 54.3 years (SD = 19.6). Men with myasthenia gravis had the disease duration longer than 15 years with generalized form of myasthenia gravis dominant (60%). Women with myasthenia gravis had more intensive symptoms of the disease (p

Key words: myasthenia gravis, human immunoglobulins, treatment outcomes

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