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Review Article

Sleep Hypn. 2017; 19(3): 54-60

Mind over Matter: Inside Hypnobirthing

Christian Wright, Sadie Geraghty.


In order to examine hypnotherapy, the psycho-physiological science underpinning the practice is an important issue and is significant for the use of hypnotherapy by women in labour and birth. Contemporary literature regarding hypnotherapy and its’ side effects and limitations focuses on the culture inherent in hypnotherapy ideology, whilst the pertinent ethical issues that arise and question its alignment with the contemporary midwifery perspective are an important factor within midwifery care. While it is possible for women to undertake hypnotherapy through self-taught measures, this paper will focus on women purchasing the CAM therapy, including the services of a supportive hypnotherapist who trains and partners with women antenatally and through their labour and birth.

Key words: hypnotherapy, complementary, alternative, antenatal, labour, natural birth, pain

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