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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2008; 7(1): 75-80

Gathering Data in Health Area: Capture – Recapture Method

Işıl,İrem,Budakoğlu*, Hediye,Seval,Akgün.


Knowing about the frequency of diseases, accidents and any condition related with the health constitute the main control and intervention programs that will apply in health. There is a need to determine the measurements for frequency of these conditions and data for determination of measurements. Even if surveillance or registration system of a country is very well, it can be insufficient to collect some other conditions related with health; in fact so many countries can not designate their basic data such as birth and death numbers. There are many methods for collecting health data, such as registration system, surveys, etc. Another method which has been using recently in epidemiology called “capture-recapture method”.

Key words: epidemiological methods, surveillance, capture-recapture

Article Language: Turkish English

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