Objectives: To determine significance and sensitivity of the Free to Total prostate specific antigen (PSA) ratio (%fPSA) in diagnosis of prostate cancer and
to correlate its sensitivity and specificity with diagnosis. Methods: Research included 220 patients, who had indication for biopsy (Clinic for Urology, University Clinical Center Sarajevo). Results: Average age of patients was 64.6 ± 8.1 years. Kruskal Wallis test indicates that there is a significant difference in age in relation to the diagnosis (KW χ2=12.508; p=0.006). The correlation between the %fPSA level and diagnosis is positive and statistically significant (r=0.211; p=0.002) in the sense that cancer patients have the lowest %fPSA. Analysis of the sensitivity at 95% specificity of %fPSA compared to particular diagnosis shows the highest sensitivity for prostate cancer - 20.61% (8.35-31.02) with statistically significant AUC p
Key words: prostate specific antigen, Free to Total PSA ratio, prostate cancer.