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Review Article

J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019; 28(3): 129-135

Diagnostic importance of saliva-An Overview

Dr.Angabeen Anjum,Prof. Dr. Mervyn Hosein.


Saliva is an important and easily accessible bio-fluid having many diagnostic and prognostic applications. It serves as a window through which not only oral health but the overall systemic health status is determinable. Salivary biomarkers reveal a lot regarding disease risk, progress and resolution. Much research has been done in the past few decades on the diagnostic importance of biomarkers present in saliva. From minor bacterial infections to malignancies can manifest through saliva. Easy collection of saliva with a point of care facility facilitates both patients and clinicians in providing and collection of samples, respectively. This review highlights some of the essential diagnostic applications of saliva. Further researches can reveal more in the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities.

Key words: Salivary biomarkers, point of care facility, liquid biopsy specimen, therapeutic modalities

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