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RMJ. 2017; 42(2): 219-222

Success and recurrence rate of optical urethrotomy in management of anterior urethral stricture in males

Javed Altaf Jat, Shabeer Mangi, Adeel Hyder Arain.


Objective: To determine the success and recurrence rate of optical urethrotomy in management of anterior urethral stricture in males.
Methodology: This prospective observational study was carried out in urology Ward, Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro, Pakistan from March 2009 to December 2009 and included 50 patients of anterior urethral stricture. Detailed history and clinical examination was recorded. All underwent investigations, anesthesia fitness, Uroflowmetry (UFM) and urethrogram. After optical urethrotomy, follow up of all patients was done. Data were analyzed through SPSS software.
Results: Age ranged from 16 to 70 years (mean 26.78±2.3 years). Symptoms of patients were weak stream in 30 (60%), straining in 27(54%), painful micturition in 12 (24%), retention 14 (28%), discharging urethra in 14 (28%), UTI in 9 (18%), hematuria in 5 (10%) and infertility in 3 (6%). Causes of stricture were mechanical trauma in 12 (24%), RTA in 7 (14%), STD in 3 (6%), infection in 5 (10%), iatrogenic in 13 (26%), others in 4 (8%) and past surgical history in 6 (12%). Stricture was at penobulbar juntion in 38 (76%) patients, while penile was present in 7(14%) patients and meatus in 5(10%). The complications were bleeding in 16(32%) patients, damage to urethra in 2(4%) patients, false passage in 2(4%) patients, and rectal injury in 0 (0%) patients and recurrent in 18(36%) patients.
Conclusion: Internal optical urethrotomy is safe first line treatment in urethral stricture independent of etiology. The overall success rate was 63%.

Key words: Optical urethrotomy, anterior urethral stricture, urinary retention.

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