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Evaluation of the self-directed learning readiness of Medical Undergraduates in pediatrics department: A study from medical college in Uttarakhand state of India

Rupali Pravin Shirke, Anil Rawat, Vipan Chandar, Jyoti Walia, Sanober Wasim, NK Bhat.


Background: Self-directed learning originated in the field of adult education and has been referred to as self-direction in learning, self-instructed learning, autonomous learning, self-planned learning, self-regulated learning, self-managed learning, self-education, and independent learning. Self-directed learning (SDL) is significant for health care professionals to develop during their tertiary and professional education, and could potentially be the dominant mode of ongoing education for practicing health care professionals.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine undergraduate medical students’ attitudes and readiness, determinants towards self-directed learning.

Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study was designed and executed accordingly. This study solicited the perceptions of the final year cohort of students in the MBBS programme. A survey instrument was administered to 86 volunteer, which represents a response rate of 86%.Attitudes and readiness for self-directed learning were elicited by the Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) consisting of a 5-point Likert scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree).

Results: Data relevant to of 86 graduate students registered at Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun through a pre-described questionnaire. The majority of the students were female (72.10%) and most of them were central board schools. More than 60% of the students have no other medical professional in a family. In our study high readiness was reported more often in central board than state board and distance in 100m. Presence of a other medical professional in family and gender did not affect high readiness. SDL scores were lower among our MBBS students than reported elsewhere in the literature.

Conclusion: This study points out the need to address our students’ SDL skills, and need for ways to build SDL skills in our students.

Key words: Self-directed learning readiness, Medical Students, Uttarakhand

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