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Micromeritics study on some urinary tract powders marketed in Iraq

Asmaa Abdelaziz Mohamed.


Aims: This work aimed to perform an assessment of the micromeritics characteristics of certain urinary tract powders to determine their flow efficiency.
Methods: Angle of repose, bulk density, tapped density, Carr's compressibility index (CI), and Hausner ratios were estimated.
Results: The angles of repose values were as follows: 26.5, 19.1,16.2, 20.4, and 18.6 for Proximal, Ural, Urical, Urcadian, and Urokal, indicating the best value of angle of repose was Urical. The Carr's index values were 16.75, 11, 15.7, 16.7, and 15.25 for Proximal, Ural, Urical, Urcadian, and Urokal, respectively, indicating the best value was Ural. It can be expressed as a good flow; the rest powders have fair flow.
Conclusion: Powder flow was assessed using methods that included angle of repose, compressibility index, and Hausner ratio. The flow of powder ranged from good to fair, which is appropriate for filling powders mechanically into sachets or bottles.

Key words: UTI, Angle of repose, micromeritics, hausner index.

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