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Morphological and Histological Features of the Mammary Gland of Uda Breed of Sheep (Ovis aries)

Yagana Bukar Majama,ali Musa Wulgo,mada Patricia Justin,umar Abdullahi Maina,ibrahim Alhaji Girgiri.


Background: The mammary gland is a vital organ in sheep production, directly influencing milk yield and quality.
Aim: The study was designed to investigate the morphological and histological characteristics of the mammary glands of the Uda breed of sheep.
Methods: A total of ten (10) adult mammary glands from non-lactating Uda sheep with ages between 24-36 months and body weight ranging from 25-40kg were obtained from the Maiduguri Central Abattoir. The mammary glands were then processed for morphological and histological studies.
Results: The morphological studies show that the mammary glands are located in the inguinal region and appear as two separate glands divided by the median inter-mammary groove. The average udder length and udder circumference are 13.71±2.01cm and 27.56±6.21cm respectively. The average lengths of the left and right mammary glands are 13.94±2.07cm and 14.91±2.30cm, respectively. The average lengths of left and right teat are 2.91±0.54cm and 3.15±0.44cm, respectively. Histologically, the mammary gland comprises several tubuloalveolar glands, characterized by cuboidal to low columnar epithelial cells. Various secretory products are present within the gland and alveoli with large lactiferous ducts. In conclusion, this current study explored valuable information that would serve as a baseline model to research further on improving milk production and understand the morphological and histological characteristics of the mammary gland of the Uda breed and other indigenous breeds.
Conclusion: the research findings are pertinent in understanding the peculiar anatomical characteristics of the mammary gland towards improving milk production in Uda sheep and other indigenous breeds.

Key words: Morphology, Histology, Uda Sheep, Mammary gland, Teat, and Udder

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