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NNJ. 2015; 4(4): 24-27

Effectiveness of STP on Newborn Care among Primi Mothers at Govt. Hospital, Bhadrachalam, Telangana

P. Latha.


Background: Newborns need a special care and intensive monitoring and support during this critical period of adaptation. It is possible to increase perinatal survival and quality of human life through prompt and adequate management of newborn.
Objectives: To assess the pre-test and post-test knowledge level of primi mothers by structured teaching programme on newborn care. Methods: The study was conducted by using quantitative approach with quasi-experimental one group pretest-post test design at Govt Area Hospital, Bhadrachalam, Telangana. Data was collected from 30 primi mothers by using purposive sampling technique. Pretest and post test knowledge score was assessed through self structured questionnaire following the structured teaching programme.
Results: The pretest, showed that, 23(77%) were had average knowledge, followed by 4(13%) were had below average knowledge and 3(10%) were had above average knowledge regarding newborn care. In post-test, 16(53%) were had average knowledge and 14(47%) had above average knowledge none of them had below average knowledge regarding newborn care. The pre test mean was 15.2 and standard deviation was 3.75. And the post test mean was 20.6 and standard deviation was 2.7. The calculated value was greater than table value. So, it is significant at p

Key words: New born care, Primi mothers.

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