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Case Report

RMJ. 2016; 41(4): 511-513

Postoperative residual curarization after sugammadex reversal following a prolonged rocuronium infusion

Jeong Han Lee.


A 48-year-old male patient underwent robot-assisted radical cystectomy and neobladder formation under general anesthesia. He received a continuous infusion of rocuronium bromide to induce profound neuromuscular blockade during the operation. Sugammadex was injected for the reversal of neuromuscular blockade but the patient developed respiratory arrest in 30 minutes in ICU. He was reintubated and injected additional sugammadex. After improvement he was extubated, moved to the general ward the following day and was discharged without any further complications.

Key words: neuromuscular blockade, rocuronium, sugammadex.

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