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Expenditure and Time Spent for Antenatal Care Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care In a Tertiary Hospital In Nigeria

Bello Arkilla Magaji,Jamila Abubakar Garba,Abdulmalik Abubakar Zaki,Sunday Ayinde,Jazuli Malami,Asmau Mohammad Wali,Zainab Bashir.

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Background and aim: Access to quality antenatal care and its utilization are crucial for preventing maternal morbidity and mortality. Time spent in the antenatal clinic is a major concern for pregnant women and could constitute a barrier to its utilization. This study assessed the expenditure and time spent on antenatal care among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics in tertiary hospitals in Nigeria.

Materials and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 189 pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic at the study facility in Nigeria. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select the respondents.

Result: The mean age of the respondents was 28±4.8 years. Out-of-pocket payment was the major mode of payment among the respondents 153 (81%), followed by National Heath Insurance 34 (18%) and then private/ corporate insurance 2 (1%). The amount of money (Naira) spent for antenatal care by the majority of the women was between 20,000 Naira-30,000 Naira with a mean value of 24,716±6,167 Naira. The mean total time spent on antenatal care per visit was 237.80 ±72.33 minutes. Clients paying via health insurance (NHIA/Private insurance) spent more time compared to those paying via out-of-pocket payment. The standard number of visits is 4 visits according to the WHO.

Conclusion: Out-of-pocket payment is the main mode of payment for antenatal care in the study facility. The mean cost of the services was 24,716±6,167 Naira. Longer waiting time was observed especially at the nurses’ station and doctors’ consultation room.

Key words: Cost, Out-of-pocket payment, time spent, Antenatal care

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