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NNJ. 2015; 4(4): 10-11

Capsicum –A to Z Benefits

Rajathi Sakthivel.


Capsicum is a fruit or vegetable? It’s really a beautiful colored natural fruit but it prepared like mild flavored and used as vegetable. This can cultivate easily in different types of climate and named differently. In Britain, they are called Chilli peppers; In US and Canada, they are called Bell peppers; In Australia and Asia, they are known as Capsicum , and in some western countries they are even called Paprika. But the biological terms are Cayenne and Jalapeno. Its available in assortment of colors , but Green is mostly used and is simply the unripe version of the red. Purple and green peppers are slightly bitter in taste whereas red, yellow and orange have a sweeter and fruity taste.

Key words: Capsicum, Health, Vegetables.

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