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Contemporary Approach Towards Rabies Elimination from Bangladesh

Mohammad lutfur rahman, md. rasel prank, mahabub alam.


Rabies is a devastating zoonotic disease that has the utmost equal public and animal health significance due to its lethality. The canine mediated rabies is the main threat globally dominated in Bangladesh. To eliminate rabies that requires to break down the transmission cycle within animals and humans. Bangladesh's government acted on the mass dog vaccination and post-exposure prophylaxis for humans that were not sufficient to eliminate rabies. This multifaceted zoonotic disease is complicated to eliminate; thus, a multi-sectoral one-health approach could be the best strategy to eliminate rabies. However, the successful elimination of rabies from society requires strengthening our surveillance, proper rubbish management, stray dogs/cats birth control, mass dog vaccination, wildlife conservation, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for humans and animals, regular (pre-exposure prophylaxis) PrEP for pets, and mass awareness programs. Therefore, the objective of the essay is to figure out contemporary risk factors of rabies spreading and the most effective way to eliminate it.

Key words: Rabies, Zoonotic, elimination, dog, and one health.

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