Original Research |
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The Evaluation of Pediatric Cases with Mushroom PoisoningSelda,Hızel*, Emine,Dibek,Mısırlıoğlu, Selver,Özdoğan, Erhan,Kırlı, Olcay,Evliyaoğlu, Didem,Aliefendioğlu. Abstract | | | | Mushroom poisonings are intoxications with high mortality. Toxic wild mushrooms usually grow up in spring and autmn and the intoxications of these mushrooms occur mostly in these seasons. The symptoms, the initial time of the symptoms, the arrival time to the hospital, the physical examination findings, laboratory datas, treatments that were applied, the time kept in the hospital and the prognoses of the cases with mushroom intoxication diagnosis in the pediatry department were recorded between 1 October and 31 November 2006. During the time described above, a total of 24 cases with mushroom poisoning were determined. 8 of the cases (33.3 %) were refered to another hospital, 16 of them (66.7 %) were hospitalizated and observed. Gastrointestinal complaints was the symptom determined in every patient at the application time to the hospital whereas only 3 patients (12.5 %) had neurologic symptoms. Symptoms occured within 6 hours of consumption of mushrooms in 7 cases (29.2 %). Elevated liver enzymes was determined in 4 patients (16.6 %) whereas renal functions were normal in all of the cases. 16 cases who were hospitalizated, completely recovered and were discharged. However, 2 patients (8.3 %) who were refered, died. Mushroom poisoning is an important health problem because of its high mortality and the best treatment is to make the public conscious of this problem. Therefore alerting the public, informing them about the symptoms and making them resort to hospitals with the first detected initial symptoms, by improving and strengthening the public education projects will reduce the mortality.
Key words: Mushroom poisoning, child, treatment Article Language: Turkish English