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Awareness about sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents in urban slums of Jorhat district

Anuja Baruah, Bishnu Ram Das, Abu Hasan Sarkar.


Background: Adolescence is a vulnerable period for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) because of curiosity, peer pressure, and lack of awareness.

Objective: To assess the awareness regarding STDs in adolescents of urban slums of Jorhat district.

Material and Methods: Community-based cross sectional study where 261 adolescents were interviewed using a predesigned, pre-tested proforma.

Results: Among 261 adolescents, 74.7% had knowledge about STDs. Maximum awareness was seen in adolescents who were students (84.6%) and also in those belonging to the upper lower socio-economic class (87.5%). Most of the adolescents (48.3%) knew urethral discharge as a symptom of STD. Briefly, 55.17% adolescents felt that STDs can be prevented by the use of condom. Interestingly, 77% of the respondents felt that they should know more about STD and should be taught about STDs in school. Television (66.7%) was the most common source of information on STDs followed by friends (57.5%), newspaper (25.5%), and other means (17%).

Conclusion: Correct scientific information should be disseminated to adolescent in both formal and informal settings so that they do not develop misconceptions. More awareness should be disseminated at schools, through mass media and a more friendly relationship is needed from parents.

Key words: Sexually transmitted diseases, adolescents, awareness

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