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AAM. 2016; 5(3-4): 104-107

Pharmacognostical and preliminary physio-chemical analysis of contents of Lekhaniya Mahakashaya Sidhdha Taila: an Ayurvedic formulation

Shivshankar Rajput, Shweta Mata, Laxmipriya Dei, C.R. Harisha, V.J. Shukla, Shilpa Donga.


Lekhaniya Mahakashaya is mentioned by Acharya Charaka in Shadvirechanashatashritiya chapter. In this Mahakashaya, there are ten contents i.e. Mustaka, Kushtha, Ativisha, Haridra, Daruharidra, Haritaki, Chitraka, Chirbilwa, Vacha, Katurohini. Previously, there are some articles published on clinical efficacy of Lekhaniya Mahakashaya, but none of data is available on its pharmacognostical and analytical profile. For present study, Lekhaniya Mahakashaya Siddha Taila (LMST) has been studied for its pharmacognosy and analytical parameters. The phrmacognostical results of contents of LMST showed Annular vessels of Haridra, Spiral vessels of Haridra, Trichome and spiral pitted vessels of Katuki, Multibranched trichome of Kustha etc. Physicochemical analysis of LMST revealed Loss on drying 0.05136%w/w, Specific gravity 0.9180, Refractive index was 0.4830 etc. In High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography of LMST revealed 6 spots at 254nm and 3 spots at 366nm. Evaluation of LMST will be useful as a reference standard for further quality control researches of the LMST.

Key words: HPTLC, Lekhaniya Mahakashaya Taila, Pharmacognosy, Physicochemical

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