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Provocative diagnostic test to evaluate the median nerve compression at wrist in computer operators

Pooja Thembe, Priyanka Rane, Vriti Shah.


In the era of the computer revolution ubiquitous electronic devices comprise more than 80% of the work done using desktops and laptops. The wrist joint's reduced movement due to longer working hours on a computer is more closely associated with neurological symptoms like entrapment neuropathy at the wrist. With varying sensitivity and specificity, certain provocative test like Phalen’s test, are used to make diagnoses and have been employed as outcome measures in clinical investigations in the study.

To evaluate and compare the role of provocative tests in the diagnosis of nerve compression among computer operators.

This observational study was conducted in the Neurology OPD and Physiology Department. Sample size: The study included 120 participants with average age 18- 50 (34±6.4) years. Group I - 60 long duration (>6 hrs/day for more than two years) and Group II - 60 short duration (

Key words: Computer operators, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Phalen’s test, Carpal compression test, Median nerve

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