The post partum period is a very special phase in the life of a woman and her new born. Many beliefs and cultural practices in women continue even today. The causes of infant and maternal mortality not only include medical causes but also deep rooted belief systems and cultural practices. A descriptive survey was conducted in rural areas of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh to explore the cultural beliefs and practices
during post natal period from 100 postnatal mothers. Findings revealed that in this technological era, mothers are following certain cultural beliefs and practices. While some beliefs are beneficial for mother and child such as restriction of household activities, drinking of boiled water, wearing chappals, consumption of animal food and hot application, some beliefs are harmful such as restriction of water intake in the first few days after delivery, avoiding pulses, green leafy vegetables by the mother, prelacteal feeds, avoiding colostrum, application of kazal to the eyes
of newborn are harmful practices.
Key words: Cultural beliefs, Cultural practices, postnatal mothers.