Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is the most lethal form of malnutrition. Children are its most visible victims malnutrition. The silent emergency
is an accomplice in at least half of the 10.4 million children deaths each year. This study to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding protein energy malnutrition among mothers of under five children in selected areas, Nellore. A quantitative research approach and quasi experimental one group pretest-post test research design are selected to conduct the study on 60 mothers of under five children selected by probability / convenience sampling in Venkatachalam, Nellore. Data collection is done with the help of Structured Questionnaire.The mean pretest score is 9.16 and the mean post-test score is 21.8. The study concluded that majority of the mothers of under five children had inadequateknowledge before pretest and giving information booklet improved the knowledge among the mothers.
Key words: PEM, Under five children, Malnutrition.