Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental psychopathology. Its etiology is not clear yet. ASD is characterized by restrictive interests and behaviour paterns, deficiencies in social and communication areas. It seems 1/68 ratio according to the last epidomiological data. Despite that it seem frequently in society, promising results in medical treatment has not been until today.
MicroRNAs evolutionary conversed member of non-coding RNA familiy and consists 22 nucleotides in. miRNAs are important element of the genetic regulation. Several studies have been identified consistent dsyregulation on some miRNAs in ASD. If we accept this as a new epifenom for this disorder these studies can be considered to be a new potential biomarker candidates. High reliability of the ASD gene targeting miRNAs are likely to provide new insights to the mechanisms underlying ASD. It can also help design appropriate miRNA therapeutics for such an understanding autism.
Key words: autism, miRNA, etiology Article Language: Turkish English