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Case Report

Cricoid Fracture and Paralaryngeal Space Hematoma Due to Blunt Trauma to the Neck

Baris Erdogan, Kaan Yusufoglu, Mehmet Ozgür Erdogan, Mustafa Ahmet Afacan, Sahin Colak, Korkut Bozan, Baris Alper.

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Blunt and penetrating trauma to the neck can cause life-threatening injuries that requires immediate attention of the physicians. Many important structures such as spinal cord, esophagus, larynx, trachea, jugular veins, cranial nerves and carotid arteries can be injured by trauma to this region. Injuries of these structures might cause different symptoms and the physician should be alert for patient’s complaints. We present a case of cricoid cartilage fracture and paralaryngeal space hematoma and evaluate the effect of late admission on management of severe blunt trauma to neck.

Key words: Cricoid, neck, trauma, airway

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