Page 394, Acknowledgments section, the text We acknowledge colleagues at Center. of Haematology, Hue Central Hospital. I also special thanks to Prof. BUI Duc Phu, Prof. NGUYEN Duy Thang, Dr. TRAN Ngoc Vu, and Dr. Paul LUU, as well as Mr. NGUYEN Ngoc Luong from Dept. of Biology, Hue University for their excellent help and support. Should read We acknowledge colleagues at Center. of Haematology, Hue Central Hospital. I also special thanks to Prof. BUI Duc Phu, Prof. NGUYEN Duy Thang, Dr. TRAN Ngoc Vu, and Dr. Paul LUU, as well as Mr. NGUYEN Ngoc Luong from Dept. of Biology, Hue University for their excellent help and support. This work was sponsored by Thua Thien - Hue Foundation for Science and Technology Development (TTH.2014-KC.16).