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Structure and function of erythrocyte membranes in moderate degree iron-deficiency anemia in early-age children in mountain conditions

Asankul A. Kucherbaev, Jury V. Borjakin, Kubat S. Ibraimov, Aigul B. Cherikchieva.

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Background: The paper presents data on the structure and the function of erythrocyte membranes in moderate degree iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) in early-age children living in mountain conditions.

Aim and Objectives: Explore pathogenic mechanisms for membrane destructive disorders in IDA in the early-age children living in the high-mountain area and develop a program for diagnostics and reasonable kinds of etiopathogenetic therapy.

Materials and Methods: Research was made in high-mountain regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. A clinical supervision was made in dynamics with a focus on a structure of peripheral blood, maintained phospholipids fractions detected in erythrocytes membranes with a method of thin-layer chromatography on Silufol plates and with a quantitative definition of phosphorus by BarletÂ’s method.

Result: In IDA in children in the mountain area, there is a disorder in phospholipids between blood plasma and red blood cells with an accumulation of the lizoform.

Conclusion: The paper presents the findings that relate to pathogenic mechanisms for disorders in the phospholipid composition of erythrocytes membranes in moderate degree IDA among 170 early-age children living in the high mountains zone in the Kyrgyz Republic. The paper also includes the indicators and presents results saying of a positive dynamic in specific membrane phospholipids of erythrocyte disorders liquidation in the treatment with a preparation of iron sulfate with folic acid.

Key words: Early-age Children; Erythrocytes; Iron-deficiency Anemia; High Mountains

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