Objective: To assess the presentation, diagnosis and treatment of urinary bladder malakoplakia.
Methodology: We retrospectively analyzed 12 patients, who were admitted at Department of Urology, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana from 2010 to 2020. Data were collected of each patient including personal history and risk factors for illness. Blood CP ESR, Renal profile, Ultrasound of KUB and CT Abdomen were recorded.
Results: Mean age of patients was 30±9.42 year with gender ratio 1:0.2 were male to female. All had undergone endoscopic transurethral resection of mass with tissue sampling for histopathological examination. Majority (80%) of patient presented with hematuria. CBC showed mean WBC 13000/cmm3, means Hb was 9 gms, Urine analysis showed pyuria and hematuria, Urine culture was positive in 80% cases and most prevalent organism was E. coli. Mean Blood urea was 60 mg and serum creatinine were 1.8mg. Ultrasound and CT showed mass in urinary bladder in all cases. All patients treated by transurethral resection of bladder mass and biopsy showed urinary bladder malakoplakia and kept on long-term antibiotic therapy according to culture and sensitivity.
Conclusion: Malakoplakia is a rare disease diagnosed through transurethral resection of bladder mass and biopsy. Malakoplakia requires long-term antibiotic therapy and follow-up for proper management.
Key words: Urinary Bladder, malakoplakia, transurethral resection.