Case Report |
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Maxillary sinus mucocele presenting with proptosis: a case reportMehmet Keles, Yuksel Toplu, Mehmet Bozoglu, Soner Demirel, Erkan Karatas, Ahmet Kizilay. Abstract | | | | Mucocele is a benign, cystic lesion of the paranasal sinus which grows slowly and becomes symptomatic after a long time. As its size increases the lesion expands out of the sinus. We reported a 16-year-old patient who presented with complaints such as left periorbital pain, shifting in the left eye and proptosis. Mucocele is most commonly seen in the frontal and ethmoid sinuses, while it is rare in the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses. We presented a case of maxillary sinüs mucocele with orbital complaints.
Key words: Maxillary sinüs, mucocele, endoscopic surgery, proptozis