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Case Report

Conservative management of canine space infection in pediatric patient: A case report

Mohit Zarekar,apurva Satpute,mohini Zarekar.

Cited by 0 Articles

The oral cavity is situated at the intersection of numerous essential anatomical structures and the convergence of various fascial planes. Consequently, odontogenic infections can rapidly disseminate and jeopardise neurovascular integrity and airway obstruction. Timely recognition of dental caries, apical abscesses, and other mild dental infections can avert the progression of these potentially severe conditions. Space infections in children are rare but can be severe, requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Thus, it may be more lethal than in the adult’s demographic. Numerous case reports indicate that space infections are often need to be addressed surgically; however, it is crucial to recognise that conservative treatment is also documented in the literature. This case report delineates the management of a canine space infection in a paediatric patient, employing a conservative approach that eliminated the necessity for complex surgical intervention and hospitalisation, particularly in children.

Key words: Odontogenic infection, canine space, paediatric, space infections

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